Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cemberin Disi Icinden Daha Ferah Olabilir

Hepimiz birimiz birimiz hepimiz icin sozunu hepimiz duyduk ve soylemisindirde kucukken ancak bir dusnun o kadar dogru kibizim bilincimizin kabul etmedigi kadar fazla sekilde iletiism hlindeyiz birimize bir sey oldugunda hemen etkilniyourz ve bir oluyoruz Hindistanda olan deprem hepimizi uzuyor, Turkisyede olan olay dunyanin obur tarafina geciyor ve tepki veriyor Amerikada olan en kotu olay butun dunyadaki insanllari etkiliyor, Munih olipaytlarinda olan butun dunyayi etkiledi ve yillarca konusuldu. Cunku bizler duygusal iletisimi olan enerjileriz...

Kkelebek etkisi aynen bubunun gibidir dunyanin ucunda patlayan bir silah buun dunyayai uyandirir. Aynen bir kelebegin dunyanin ucunda kanat cirpasi gibi.

Kendimizi bu turlu duygulardan koruyup yokmus gibi davranmak terihtir anack cok fazla iclestirmeden hayatimiza devam etmekte oyledir. Kendimizi hep tehlikedeymis gibi hissetmek ve kkorkuyla yasamakta imkansiz.

Her zaman korku ve kaygiyla yasadigimiz zaman vucudumuz cok farkli duygusal tepkiler verebilir.
Verilen tepkiler bu davranisi degstirmeden ortadan yok olmaz. Hep hastaliklarin basinda stress gelir denir cunku stres her hastaligin ortaya cikmasini saglayan yegane etkendir. Korku stress yaratir, kaygi stres yaratir, sevgsizlik stres yaratir, kiskanclik ve daha niceleri.

Sevgisizligin yaratigi stress Seker hastaligini, korkunun yaratigi stress (guvende olmama) MS hastaligini, Romatizma, eklem agrilari bir isi veya bir yere gitmek istememktan olurken, Midedeki sorunlari etrafimizda hazmedemedigimiz her seydir  ve fazlasi

En kotu dedginiz hastalik bile size verilen ikinci sanstir. Hayatinizi degistirip dogru bir cizgiye sokaniz icin yada baska yollara bas vurabilirsiniz. Her zaman hatirlayin ki bildiginiz davraniz her zaman dogru olan degildir bazen bilmedigizniz dogruyu denemek size ic huzur ver rahatlik ayni zamandada mutluluk getirebilir.

Aliskanliklar alsikanlik olamadan once hayat sizin icin cok guzeldi o zaman siz daha onceden bilmediginiz bir sey denidiniz ve devam ettiniz.

Belki bundan sonra tekrardan dusunebilirsiniz cemberin ici mi yoksa disi da olsa olur mu  diye !!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Body Language II

Body syndromes may show up in different ways and in different part of our body.

The most important part is to be aware of our body hears us literally. What we say it takes the way we say it.

 Every part of our body means something different.

Lets start with left and right part of our body.
What is the difference between right and left side of our body?

Left side of the body is female energy that means the pain or any type of discomfort on our left side is related to female energy. Female energy can be anything or anybody that we refer as female. The right side is  the opposite of th left. The right side is related to male energy.

When the working area  is full of males and your manager or the authority image is male at work, the right side of the body shall start to act out... It can be  right eye to right leg.

That I mentioned previously our defense mechanism come out as Immune disorders suck as cancer, migraine, MS ( Multiple Sclerosis ) and more... Let's take MS as an example; look at the first attacks and notice where the attack takes a place left or right side of body or both sides. In order for symptom to come out we need to loose 70% of our health. After the first attack you can think what trigger the attack a male or female energy.

Eyes, the windows to  the world. When there is a fear of the future eyes start to get bad and we start to have vision problems not being able to see far side. When eyes are scared to see near future that usually happens during the old ages . Elder people start to wear glasses for close sight. Although we were born with two fears and either of them were about any type of future.

Ears are the body parts that allows us to listen. Sometimes we get a earache after a discussion. anytime the ears hear something that they regret to hear the affect comes out as a pain or an type


Do you keep your temple clean?

                                Keep your Temple Clean

Think about a temple just imagine or visualize. It needs to be welcoming, warm and everything is tender, for sure must be clean as a result not everybody can come inside they need to have good manners and intentions. Look at people how they dress when you go to church or what people do before they pray in Islam, look at people how they dress when they go to temples or Buddhist…Temples are always clean and people are clean as well.     

Let’s clean ourselves by feeling better

Practice below.
please note that It is not going to be so easy you may cry you may laugh

You may come to a point that you need apologies from yourself


Go to the mirror

Look at yourself

Tell yourself ‘I love you’

Have an eye contact.

Say it the way you want to hear from others, when they lie you understand your body understands as well. Treat your body as a temple then you will notice how your body, your feelings and the people around you shall change.

Change is a good thing  !!!!!!!                     
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dijle Koont C.H.T                                                                                                                                             www.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Body syndromes may show up in different ways and in different part of our body.

The most important part is to be aware of our body hears us literally. What we say it takes the way we say it.

 Every part of our body means something different.

Lets start with left and right part of our body.
What is the difference between right and left side of our body?

Left side of the body is female energy that means the pain or any type of discomfort on our left side is related to female energy. Female energy can be anything or anybody that we refer as female. The right side is  the opposite of th left. The right side is related to male energy.

When the working area  is full of males and your manager or the authority image is male at work, the right side of the body shall start to act out... It can be  right eye to right leg.

That I mentioned previously our defense mechanism come out as Immune disorders suck as cancer, migraine, MS ( Multiple Sclerosis ) and more... Let's take MS as an example; look at the first attacks and notice where the attack takes a place left or right side of body or both sides. In order for symptom to come out we need to loose 70% of our health. After the first attack you can think what trigger the attack a male or female energy.

Eyes, the windows to  the world. When there is a fear of the future eyes start to get bad and we start to have vision problems not being able to see far side. When eyes are scared to see near future that usually happens during the old ages . Elder people start to wear glasses for close sight. Although we were born with two fears and either of them were about any type of future.

Ears are the body parts that allows us to listen. Sometimes we get an earache after a discussion. anytime the ears hear something that they regret to hear the affect comes out as a pain or an type of vibration

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

        Theory of Mind and Body Syndromes I

                        Two behaviors on primitive stage Fight and flight
Although in a ‘civilized world’ we did change those two behaviors into depression and anxiety.
Depression and anxiety turned into different level of behaviors such as immune disorders, addictions, health challenges and more. All the above also called as Body Syndromes.
All the health challenges come from the unmatched conscious and subconscious.
12% and 88% need to be in harmony otherwise we come across with health challenges.                            
                                                                    Dijle Koont C.H.T


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Relationship Between Theory of Mind and Health Challanges

Health Challenges; opposite of the common acknowledgement it is inside out, not outside in... it is really hard to believe after what we have been learning...
When we were born, we were born with two basic behavior; Fight and Flight...
This is the primitive stage of our mind we had two fears falling down from high and high voices... During the building of subconscious mind we learned what to like what not to like what is good and what is bad or positive , negative after the age of 8 we start to build conscious mind which consist of will power, analyzing, rationalization , judging.... While we were using the conscious mind we ignore the subconscious mind which is our hard drive...
Everything we ignore or not acknowledge came back as health challenge. Primitive mind works for protecting your mind and body....
Instead of flying / running away you go through Depression or auto immune health challenges... flying away starts to kill you without you become aware of the fact what you ignore
Fighting it comes out as anxiety , panic attacks and so on....
Learning and understanding Theory of mind shall save your life.
                                                                                           Dijle Koont C.H.T